We interviewed Health and Fitness coach Michael Saukulak about the power of having a morning routine. He is the founder of Composure Fitness and we asked questions about his daily challenges when working online.

Michael has been a nomad for over 8 years. He was introduced to this lifestyle due to his position and location independent lifestyle when he was serving in the US military. His experience as an entrepreneur digital nomad is very different and comes with different challenges and he is facing new roadblocks. One of the things that keep him going is having a morning routine and especially as location independent creative entrepreneur. The morning routine has been massive a game changer for Michael and he shared his morning routine for you to try it out.

The morning routine of Michael Saukulak step-by-step

Step 1: It all starts the night before

Know what you need to do the next day and make sure you get atlas 8 hours of rest or sleep before. Put your phone further than an arms’ distance from your bed. In this way, when you have to turn off your alarm, you are out of bed anyway. This will definitely help you instead of having your phone next to your pillow.

Step 2: Drink water

When you sleep, especially when you are in an AC room, you will lose a lot of water. Β Tip: front-load your water. Refill your water bottle or cup before you head to bed so when you wake you can drink right away.

Step 3: Do a full body inventory

This is very similar to a mindfulness practice but you basically to be present in your body and see how you actually feel from head to toe.

Step 4: Wake up your body in 10 minutes

Getting a sweat going in the morning. Nothing crazy like a CrossFit workout but just a few sets of push-ups or ab/core work out would be enough. It’s just to wake up the body.

Step 5: Give your body a ‘shock’

Getting a sweat going in the morning. Nothing crazy like a CrossFit workout but just a few sets of push-ups or ab/core work out would be enough. It’s just to wake up the body.

How to keep up with your morning routine when you are a traveling nomad?

Even though Michael is more or less a professional when it comes to morning routines and discipline, one of his main challenges is consistency. He explains that this is really important and not just for digital nomads but for everyone. He adds to that morning routines is all about taking small steps rather than a big thing.

Many people portray these morning mindfulness practices as big things but by starting small and just doing it, it becomes pretty easy. Another common challenge is to actually get out of bed. There are many tricks to get yourself out of bed but it all comes down to having the intention of wanting to build a good morning routine and then just slowly implementing it to your daily life.

Key Take Aways For Nomads

 βœ… If it feels to overwhelming then start small

 βœ… Consistency is key when it comes to morning routines

 βœ… Plan your day ahead

Want to see the full digital nomad talks interview? Sit back, relax and watch it below

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Nienke Nina Host of The Digital Nomads Daily Podcast