Digital Nomads Daily Podcast Cover Photo with digital nomad Pat talking about remote work and future of digital nomads

16: The Future Of Digital Nomads With Pat

Pat started his digital nomad journey as part of his work agreement. Something very unique at the time and with 90% travel capacity, he traveled the world expanding WeWork. Pat switched companies and worked for Selina as head of global partnerships. He only found out in the digital nomad hub in Chiang Mai, Thailand, that he was a digital nomad and started building a community with fellow nomads. In this episode, we talk about the lessons honed from his journey. Pat and Nienke Nina dive deeper into the future of digital nomads and how both governments and companies can attract and retain digital nomads.

“Companies and governments need to adapt to attract, retain and benefit from digital nomads.”

The start of the digital nomad lifestyle at WeWork & Selina

Pat loved working online and traveling the world lifestyle. After his work experience with Selina and WeWork, he built a consulting company and continued traveling. One of the challenges was leaving the country every 2 or 3 months. When you’re staying with a tourist visa, you usually can only stay for a short time without extending.

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A flexible home base is the future of digital nomads

After traveling for so many years, Pat desired to have a base and found his new home in Barbados. The country offers a digital nomad visa which allows him to stay and travel in and out of the country hassle-free. He believes that digital nomad visas are an excellent opportunity for governments and businesses as it’s a target for a new kind of tourism. Many governments have to realize that visas aren’t always attractive for digital nomads. For example, requirements like high incomes, paperwork, and no tax benefits, and currency are missing in the ‘‘new digital nomad visas’’.

Aside from governments, companies also still have a big job ahead of them to attract digital nomads. Large companies like Airbnb implement working remote company policies and this is a great start. This is the future of the workforce where attracting digital nomads is crucial. Allowing people to work remotely requires a new way of thinking. This is still challenging for companies as they often lack insider information about what digital nomads and remote workers need. As nomads often will be hired as contractors, general company benefits aren’t applicable. However, this isn’t the right way of going about it, according to Pat and Nienke Nina. Benefits such as having a seat in a coworking space, a gym pass or a budget for physical and mental health are benefits easily to implement. Working with companies that serve the digital nomad space, like health insurance with SafelyWing, are crucial benefits digital nomads need.

Governments and companies still have a long way to go. Hiring digital nomads is the future of work. We are excited to see how companies will involve.

featured image of Digital Nomads Daily episode Building A One Stop Shop Of World-Class Mentors with Kenny

How company can adapt and be part of the future of digital nomads

Aside from governments, companies also still have a big job ahead of them to attract digital nomads. Large companies like Airbnb implement working remote company policies and this is a great start. This is the future of the workforce where attracting digital nomads is crucial. Allowing people to work remotely requires a new way of thinking. This is still challenging for companies as they often lack insider information about what digital nomads and remote workers need. As nomads often will be hired as contractors, general company benefits aren’t applicable. However, this isn’t the right way of going about it, according to Pat and Nienke Nina. Benefits such as having a seat in a coworking space, a gym pass or a budget for physical and mental health are benefits easily to implement. Working with companies that serve the digital nomad space, like health insurance with SafelyWing, are crucial benefits digital nomads need.

Governments and companies still have a long way to go. Hiring digital nomads is the future of work. We are excited to see how companies will involve.

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Follow his journey on Instagram @rover_pat

Follow his thoughts via LinkedIn @Patrizio Pat Ambrosetti

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More Digital Nomad Stories Instagram @digitalnomadsdaily

Meet your host Nienke Nina Instagram @nienkeninatravels