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104: How To live a More Fulfilling Digital Nomad Lifestyle with Bianca

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Listen to our interview with digital nomad Bianca:

🔥 How to live a more fruitful digital nomad lifestyle

🔥 Tips to be present in the digital nomad lifestyle

🔥 How to balance earn a living with your purpose

🔥🔥🔥 And so much more must-know digital nomad lifestyle tips for (aspiring) digital nomads!

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‘‘The greatest journey we’ll ever have is the journey to meet ourselves.’’

Meet digital nomad and author Bianca

In this episode of the Digital Nomads Daily podcast, host Nienke Nina interviews digital nomad Bianca who has been living the digital nomad lifestyle for around five years. She is an Australian-Maltese author, blogger & podcast host specialising in stories that ignite thoughts surrounding compassion, ethics and sustainability.

One of the challenges of the digital nomad lifestyle that Bianca discusses is leaving behind a fast-paced society and learning to be present in the moment. Nienke and Bianca chat about various topics related to the digital nomad lifestyle, including sustainability, authenticity, inclusivity, and accessibility. They also talk about Bianca’s book, “Soul Truth,” which focuses on finding and living in alignment with one’s own truth. You will learn about the holistic nature of the digital nomad lifestyle and the importance of being intentional and authentic in your own digital nomad life.
They will also talk about how to approach a more long-lasting digital nomad lifestyle and the unexpected transformations that can arise during your digital nomad and travel journey.

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Key Takeaways from Bianca’s Digital Nomad Interview about Intentional Living


Living a digital nomad lifestyle is more than cheap travel or following your passion

Bianca emphasizes the importance of being conscious about the way we show up in the world and how we influence the digital nomad movement. She shares that living a digital nomad lifestyle is not just about cheap travel or following your passion. It’s also about being intentional, authentic, and making it sustainable so it doesn’t feel like a holiday but a long-lasting lifestyle.

Embracing that digital nomads are in an on-going transformation

Transformation is an ongoing and holistic process that encompasses shedding old versions of ourselves that no longer serve us and discovering who we truly are. Bianca shares her personal journey of leaving her corporate career, backpacking through Southeast Asia, and finding spirituality in Nepal. Many digital nomads talk about creating deeper connections with themselves and others. By opening up to other ideas, cultures and experiences you become more open-minded and your digital nomad lifestyle is more fruitful.

Being present and mindful in your next digital nomad location

In a fast-paced society, we often forget to be present and observe the ebbs and flows of life. Bianca shares an anecdote about being stuck in traffic in Nepal and realizing the importance of being present and mindful. By living abroad you see that habits and thoughts you are used to don’t always make much sense when you are a foreign environment. This isn’t always easy and digital nomads learn to be adaptable and a good practice is to be present and mindful in the moment.

Balancing passion and earning money

It’s okay to do something that isn’t your ideal career or dream to fund your dream. Every digital nomad has their own way of doing this and there is no right or wrong and Bianca explains that doing what you love and earning money on the side with a ‘‘normal job’’ to fund yourself and your project is a great way to live a fruitful life. 

Digital Nomads who are making a difference in the world

One person can make a difference in the world by being authentic and showing up with intentionality and integrity. Bianca emphasizes the importance of sharing all sides of the story about this lifestyle and not just the amazing travels. This is exactly why we host The Digital Nomads Daily Podcast to share authentic and behind-the-scenes stories about how digita nomads design, build and live their digital nomad lifestyle.


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Your host Nienke Nina

More digital nomad tips and life advice via instagram @digitalnomadsdaily

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Find Nienke Nina on Instagram @nienkeninatravels

Nienke Nina Host of The Digital Nomads Daily Podcast
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