🎙 The Digital Nomads Daily Podcast Episode #57

5 Tips To Live A More Intentional And Balanced Life with Digital Nomad Kasia

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Listen to our interview with digital nomad Kasia:

🔥 Why digital nomads need routines

🔥 How you can create small and simple self-love routines

🔥 How to start your day with more intention and focus

🔥 Different ways how to process emotions and thoughts

🔥 The power of positive self-talk and how you can apply this in your life

🔥🔥🔥 And so much more must-know digital nomad lifestyle tips for (aspiring) digital nomads!

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“You can travel the whole world and travel to the most beautiful places but your struggles and unsolved things will follow you.”

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Meet digital nomad Kasia

She is a dutch digital nomad combining work and travel for over 3 years. During her last year of traveling, she decided to take it a notch down and become a part-time digital nomad. She is now enjoying a slower-paced lifestyle where she party lives in the Netherlands and travels some months of the year. Many digital nomads who have been traveling for years make similar decisions, and it shows once again that there are many different ways to live a digital nomad lifestyle.

What does she do for a living?

Mindfulness and meditation are important pillars in Kasia’s life and this is also how she makes a living. She also chooses retreats for digital nomads, entrepreneurs and freelancers, for example, the Borderless retreat. The focus of each experience is focused on helping people to live more consciously in their personal as well as professional life. Through meditations, workshops and an engaged community Borderless Retreat facilitates life-changing experiences. Digital nomad Dean who shared tips in episode 09: How To Achieve Financial Freedom With Digital Nomad Dean also joined on the beautiful experiences and at DND we also are keen to join.

Tips to feeling more grounded and live a balanced life

Finding the balance between the so many things we need to do, think about, or are responsible for is challenging. Even more so for digital nomads because while it looks easy, we hear on the podcast a different reality. People like Kasia are important in our community because they have many tips and practices to help feeling more grounded. In the episode, we asked Kasia what she does to feel more grounded and balanced.

#01 Creating routines for different moments or moods.

Generally, her routines include movements, meditation, journaling and sometimes an extra moment for herself with cacao. What is interesting here is that Kasia doesn’t have a routine set in stone because she simply doesn’t feel the same every day. So if she needs longer to feel better the rest of the day, then that is totally okay. Some days hr routines could take 15 minutes and even up to an hour.

#02 Setting an intention for the day.

A common conversation topic among digital nomad entrepreneurs and freelancers is burnout caused by overwhelm. While this could have many other reasons, one of Kasia’s tips is to set intentions before you start your day. You can focus on how you would like to feel throughout the day and even during the day check in with yourself if you are following your intention.

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#03 Check in with yourself regularly.

As the day goes by, you might get tired, lose track of time or when you hit a roadblock, it’s hard to deal with it. This happens to the best of us and intentional self-reflection during the day can help you stick to your intention. Kasia shares that there are many ways and the key to success is to find your way by betraying different things. Think about a 5-minute meditation, breathing exercises, journaling or a walk in nature in between work or after work.

#04 Process emotions and thoughts through journaling

This technique isn’t everyone’s cup of tea but generally, when we write, it helps to process emotion. Some digital nomads journal every day, others everyone and some people more at times when they feel unbalanced and have too many feelings and thoughts to handle. There are also many different ways to journal, and the popular approach is to write down everyday things you are grateful for. Journaling can also be about the future digital nomads using this technique to set daily intentions.

#05 Positive self-talk

Have you ever thought about the things you subconsciously and consciously tell yourself? Just like everyone else, sometimes our heads are filled with negative thoughts that don’t support our well-being at all. Of course this can happen but paying attention to how we talk to ourselves is very important because words can be powerful and influence our belief system and confidence tremendously. Self-talk isn’t just about positive words with the purpose of feeling better but also about accepting that we simply don’t have to feel right all the time. Especially women in their early thirties deal with this as hormone cycles could change.

We learned in this episode that you can travel the world and see the most beautiful things, but it never removes your struggles and emotional barriers. Many digital nomads are focused on learning how to prioritize nurturing themselves. Luckily, we have beautiful people like Kasia who are there to help others.

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