The Future Of Digital Nomads with Pat

The Future Of Digital Nomads with Pat

Digital Nomads Daily Podcast Cover Photo with digital nomad Pat talking about remote work and future of digital nomads

16: The Future Of Digital Nomads With Pat

Pat started his digital nomad journey as part of his work agreement. Something very unique at the time and with 90% travel capacity, he traveled the world expanding WeWork. Pat switched companies and worked for Selina as head of global partnerships. He only found out in the digital nomad hub in Chiang Mai, Thailand, that he was a digital nomad and started building a community with fellow nomads. In this episode, we talk about the lessons honed from his journey. Pat and Nienke Nina dive deeper into the future of digital nomads and how both governments and companies can attract and retain digital nomads.

“Companies and governments need to adapt to attract, retain and benefit from digital nomads.”

The start of the digital nomad lifestyle at WeWork & Selina

Pat loved working online and traveling the world lifestyle. After his work experience with Selina and WeWork, he built a consulting company and continued traveling. One of the challenges was leaving the country every 2 or 3 months. When you’re staying with a tourist visa, you usually can only stay for a short time without extending.

featured image of Digital Nomads Daily episode Building A One Stop Shop Of World-Class Mentors with Kenny

A flexible home base is the future of digital nomads

After traveling for so many years, Pat desired to have a base and found his new home in Barbados. The country offers a digital nomad visa which allows him to stay and travel in and out of the country hassle-free. He believes that digital nomad visas are an excellent opportunity for governments and businesses as it’s a target for a new kind of tourism. Many governments have to realize that visas aren’t always attractive for digital nomads. For example, requirements like high incomes, paperwork, and no tax benefits, and currency are missing in the ‘‘new digital nomad visas’’.

Aside from governments, companies also still have a big job ahead of them to attract digital nomads. Large companies like Airbnb implement working remote company policies and this is a great start. This is the future of the workforce where attracting digital nomads is crucial. Allowing people to work remotely requires a new way of thinking. This is still challenging for companies as they often lack insider information about what digital nomads and remote workers need. As nomads often will be hired as contractors, general company benefits aren’t applicable. However, this isn’t the right way of going about it, according to Pat and Nienke Nina. Benefits such as having a seat in a coworking space, a gym pass or a budget for physical and mental health are benefits easily to implement. Working with companies that serve the digital nomad space, like health insurance with SafelyWing, are crucial benefits digital nomads need.

Governments and companies still have a long way to go. Hiring digital nomads is the future of work. We are excited to see how companies will involve.

featured image of Digital Nomads Daily episode Building A One Stop Shop Of World-Class Mentors with Kenny

How company can adapt and be part of the future of digital nomads

Aside from governments, companies also still have a big job ahead of them to attract digital nomads. Large companies like Airbnb implement working remote company policies and this is a great start. This is the future of the workforce where attracting digital nomads is crucial. Allowing people to work remotely requires a new way of thinking. This is still challenging for companies as they often lack insider information about what digital nomads and remote workers need. As nomads often will be hired as contractors, general company benefits aren’t applicable. However, this isn’t the right way of going about it, according to Pat and Nienke Nina. Benefits such as having a seat in a coworking space, a gym pass or a budget for physical and mental health are benefits easily to implement. Working with companies that serve the digital nomad space, like health insurance with SafelyWing, are crucial benefits digital nomads need.

Governments and companies still have a long way to go. Hiring digital nomads is the future of work. We are excited to see how companies will involve.

Quick links:

Follow his journey on Instagram @rover_pat

Follow his thoughts via LinkedIn @Patrizio Pat Ambrosetti

Visit his website via

More Digital Nomad Stories Instagram @digitalnomadsdaily

Meet your host Nienke Nina Instagram @nienkeninatravels


The Life of a Remote Social Media Manager with Tiff

The Life of a Remote Social Media Manager with Tiff

Digital Nomads Daily Podcast Cover Image with Tiff Ng Remote Social Media Manager (1)

15: The Life of a Remote Social Media Manager with Tiff

We interviewed digital nomad and remote social media manager Tiff. Her mission is to empower people to tell their stories in meaningful ways. Tiff fulfills her mission with her agency, The Social Story, and works with purpose-driven brands to share their impact. Her digital nomad journey started four years ago in Bali. She noticed people working remotely while on holiday and figured she could do the same. In this episode, Tiff shares her digital nomad journey and how she remotely builds her social media agency. Tune in if you want to learn tips about working remotely and building a successful online business.

“One of the biggest challenges is burnout. It’s really hard to turn off social media entirely and stop being a business owner.”

Tiff has been nomadding for over four years and started her journey in the largest digital nomad hub, Bali. She learned about this lifestyle during her holiday on the island and decided to pursue this lifestyle after meeting other digital nomads. In the beginning, she mostly searched for jobs and projects that would match her skill set and was working on various projects.

During this time, Tiff also worked towards building her social media agency, which aligned with her personal values. It’s called The Social Story and in this article, we share Tiff’s story about how she built her business. We also cover the skillset she believes is essential for remote social media managers and her day-to-day life. .

featured image of digital nomads daily podcast episode The Life of a Remote Social Media Manager with Tiff

What Tiff loves about being a social media manager

There are many things to like about managing brands’ social media channels. Tiff explains that for her, it’s not just advertising but more about creating conversations with the brand’s audience. By having conversations online, you engage and receive feedback. So the social media profiles are not about just selling products but storytelling and a positive appearance online.

Tiff also talks about the constant challenges she faces as a social media manager. Since the platforms are changing algorithms, it forces her to be adaptable and critical about her work and how to keep improving it.


The skills of remote social media managers

We asked Tiff the top skills remote social media managers need to be successful. She shares that “Critical thinking” is one of the most critical skills. Adapting to the current landscape and its changes is crucial. Tiff must keep a close eye on the ongoing opportunities and be aware of what content to put into the world. Especially when situations are becoming more delicate, this skill set is necessary.

Aside from this, Tiff shares that, especially when it comes to soft skills, nowadays, you can learn everything online. This means that also you can become a social media manager. Having a passion for social media and keeping up to date on the latest trends is crucial. It’s also essential to understand how you are telling the story of your clients and be constantly improving. Lastly, Tiff finds it important to be motivated by purpose and this is what she will be looking for when she is looking for new hires.


Image of Digital Nomad Tiff Ng The Social Story about remote social media manager (1)

Commonly used tools for digital nomad social media managers

Tiff’s team is 100% remote, which means that all communications happen online. Some of the most needed tools in her business are:

  • Slack and Zoom for communication.
  • Trello to manage project management as it’s very collaborative and visual.
  • Canva is used the most as other tools around content creation.
  • Scheduling tools: this depends on which tools her clients are using as the tool needs to answer the clients’ needs.


Tips for finding more clients

Finding clients has become easier, but this wasn’t the case at the beginning of her journey. At first, she found projects in different places like Facebook Groups and remote job platforms. What really helped her find more clients was having a crystal clear idea of the type of clients or companies she wanted to work with. Differentiating herself from the rest was key because the field of remote social media managers is pretty competitive. So she started building a portfolio, activity networking in co-working spaces, and LinkedIn and focused on attracting dream clients. Because of her hard work, she created a name for herself, and today many clients come through referrals.


Challenge of remote social media managers

Tiff talks about two significant challenges she encounters as a remote social media manager. The first challenge is burnout, as she finds it difficult to let go of her work completely. Many small business owners face this, and since social media is part of our daily lives, it’s extra hard for Tiff. She explains on the podcast that she finds herself constantly thinking about social even in her free time. Such as new ways to create content differently, which trends to follow, and how to connect better with the audiences.

The second challenge is that often people don’t know how to use social media. When communicating with brands, especially when customers are unhappy, people often don’t realize that they are still talking to a human even though they are on a screen. Because social media managers represent a brand, you have to distance yourself from nasty comments and toxic follower interactions.


How much money do social media managers make?

The money question is what everyone always wants to know. Tiff shares that as a freelancer, a low month would be around USD 750 and a good month around USD 3550 (explained in AUD on the podcast and converted to US dollars). Tiff recommends that you lock at least 3-6 month contracts when you are freelancing so you have more predictable work and better forecast your income streams.


Know your “Why”

She gives one piece of advice to know your why and understand what motivates you. The work of a remote social media manager isn’t always easy. So understanding your purpose is what’s filling your happiness cup.

Helping purpose-driven brands to use their social media for good is Tiffs why. Her personal values connect with her clients and even though the work can be challenging, she sees the bigger picture. A big thank you to Tiff for sharing her story and you can follow her journey on Instagram @thesocialstoryco for more information about her company, go to www.thesocial

Quick links:

More Digital Nomad Stories Instagram @digitalnomadsdaily

Meet your host Nienke Nina Instagram @nienkeninatravels

Building A Dream Team Of World-Class Online Mentors with Kenny

Building A Dream Team Of World-Class Online Mentors with Kenny

Podcast Cover Image of Digital Nomads Daily episode Building A One Stop Shop Of World-Class Mentors with Kenny

14: Building A One Stop Shop Of World-Class Online Mentors with Kenny

Digital nomad and entrepreneur Kenny Hanson shares his story on the Digital Nomads Daily Podcast this week. During his teenage years, Kenny wasn’t performing well. However, through years of mentorship from various online mentors, he was able to get his life back on track. He landed a job at Accenture and today, Kenny is the founder and CEO of Mentorpass. A thriving business he founded when nomadding in Bali. Tune in for the full story!

“Mentorship is such a broad term in my mind. I tend to think that almost every educational experience is some form of mentorship”

Meet Kenny and his entrepreneurship story

The digital nomad journey of Kenny started in Bali, Canggu, also known as the nomad capital. Before he stepped into the entrepreneurial space, he had built his career in consulting. Throughout his early twenties, mentorship played a huge role in his life and he was able to land a job at Accenture. To him, it was not one mentor, though but various people who’ve guided him.

featured image of Digital Nomads Daily episode Building A One Stop Shop Of World-Class Mentors with Kenny

Introducing MentorPass

Even though Kenny’s career was promising, he wasn’t getting true fulfillment out of his corporate career. A trip to Bali changed the course of his life. Today Kenny is the co-founder and CEO of MentorPass, the one-stop-shop to work with the best mentors in the world. On the podcast, he shares how he built his company from idea to product to a successful business. Mentorpass helps entrepreneurs to get smart on anything. With only one subscription, you get access to virtual sessions with an unlimited number of online mentors.

This episode is helpful for anyone who is building a business and either could use some inspiration or needs mentorship. Kenny shares the definition of a mentor versus getting a coach on the Digital Nomads Daily Podcast. To him, mentorship is an experience by a trusted advisor and that mentorship itself can be found anywhere. The common misconception around online mentorship is that people think a mentor is someone that helps solve all your problems in your life. In reality, that is rarely the case and you still need to do the work. Helping others by providing online mentorship that they need to thrive in both personal and professional paths is what Kenny’s startup is all about.

MentorPass Giveaway!

We hope you enjoyed this episode! And we have a little giveaway as well. MentorPass gives all our listeners $100 in credits when you sign up. See the links below.

Quick links:

Follow his journey on Instagram @kenny_hanson_
Follow his thoughts via Twitter@NoCodeKenny
Find MentorPass on Twitter@MentorPass
Join MentorPass on Instagram@MentorPass
Visit the website via
More Digital Nomad Stories Instagram @digitalnomadsdaily
Meet your host Nienke Nina Instagram @nienkeninatravels

13: How To Pivot Your Passion Into An Online Business With Andrae

13: How To Pivot Your Passion Into An Online Business With Andrae

Podcast Cover of the Digital Nomads Daily Podcadt Episode How To Pivot Your Passion Into An Online Business With Andrae

13: How To Pivot Your Passion Into An Online Business With Andrae

This week, solopreneur and digital nomad Andrae is joining us on the podcast. She started her entrepreneur journey with her travel company Work Wanderers. Due to the pandemic, travel and in-person events weren’t allowed. This forced a pause in her business for 2 years. In this episode, she shares her story and how to pivot into an online business. Today she is helping others to build an online business with purpose and passion and combine this with a travel lifestyle. If you are stuck in your career or ready to embark on a new journey, tune in because this is your episode!

“I have fallen in love with the digital nomad lifestyle after working remotely for 3 months from overseas. That’s when I got the idea of building a business centered around this lifestyle and living it myself.”

How Andrae began her journey as an entrepreneur digital nomad

Andrae was working in marketing at a startup and became a digital nomad four years ago after quitting her 9 to 5 job. She launched a travel company, ‘ Work Wanderers’ and organized 1-month retreats in various locations. Her business is centered around the digital nomad lifestyle and travel. When the pandemic became an unexpected reality, everyone who was on one of her trips decided to go back home within a day. Before she knew it, Andrae had to cancel everything.

These times were not only horrible but very overwhelming. At this time, no one knew how long this would last, and she was left entirely in the dark, like many other entrepreneurs. For about three months, she felt completely stuck. Working with a business coach helped her see the light at the end of the tunnel and this is where she turned her business into an online business.

Featured Image of the Digital Nomads Daily Podcadt Episode How To Pivot Your Passion Into An Online Business With Andrae

Travel the world with Work Wanderers

Work Wanderers is her first business and she gathers digital nomads to travel in a group while working online. Travel groups are a great way to dip your toes into the digital nomad lifestyle. It offers a safety net for newbie digital nomads. At the same time, it’s excellent for nomads who are already on the road.

At Work Wanderers, you’ll find a balance between travel, working online in a comfortable place, community and learning. A trip is usually 3-4 weeks, and you are guaranteed to be surrounded by fellow digital nomads. Now that travel is opening up again, Andrae is busy organizing new trips and we are pumped for her!

Image of Andrae about her journey as an entrepreneur and digital nomad

Become a Digital Nomad during the VIP weekend

What we love about this episode is the honesty and willpower Andrae shows. As Work Wanderers started as a “physical” business, she is now running an online business as well.

Finding her purpose again and turning it into a profitable business was challenging, she explains on the podcast. Some of her followers asked her about becoming a digital nomad during her break. Others asked how to build an online business or make money online. She started helping people and created a coaching program. Her focus is not on taking the leap and start traveling the world. Andrae is passionate about travel but about business strategy and turning your passion/skills/purpose into a profitable business.

At the end of this month, on May 28th and 29th, Andrae is launching a Successful Digital Nomad VIP Masterclass Weekend. This is a virtual event where Andrae will help you step-by-step to build a freelance business while traveling the world.
Through these sessions, you will learn how to build a business online and create a travel plan. Andrae divides this into 3 steps:

  • Step 1: Align – gain clarity and find your purpose.
  • Step 2: Design – creating an online business and a financial plan
  • Step 3: Sustain – how to sustain your travel life and plan your next steps

At Digital Nomads Daily, we love to support fellow nomads and entrepreneurs like Andrae. We love to see entrepreneurs thrive and inspire people to pursue this lifestyle. We teamed up with Andrea and she offered a special discount for our listeners. You now get $100 off on her VIP Weekend!

Click THIS LINK and use the discount code DNDAILY to claim your spot with $100 off!

Quick links:

Follow her journey on Instagram @andrae_anywhere

Follow her travel company and new retreats on Instagram @WorkWanderers

Sign up for the VIP weekend Via this link and get $100 off


More Digital Nomad Stories Instagram @digitalnomadsdaily

Meet your host Nienke Nina Instagram @nienkeninatravels

Tips from The Remote Job Coach with Jordan Carroll

Tips from The Remote Job Coach with Jordan Carroll

Digital Nomads Daily Podcast Cover Photo of Jordan Carroll The Remote Job Coach How To Find A Remote Job

12: The Secret Of Finding A Remote Job With The Remote Job Coach.

Digital Nomad Jordan Carroll, also known as the Remote Job Coach, is back on the podcast! In this episode, he shares how anyone can land a remote job that fits their digital nomad lifestyle. Over the years, he has successfully coached people through 1:1 coaching sessions, group sessions and online courses. This episode is valuable for anyone seeking a job or looking for a change. Get ready for life-changing lessons with Jordan and kickstart your digital nomad lifestyle with a remote job at a company you love!

How did Jordan become the Remote Job Coach?

Jordan has been working remotely for companies of all sizes since 2013. Through these experiences, he was able to see insights into what it’s like to work remotely in different types of businesses. During his travels, he met many people and was asked the same question repeatedly, “how do I land a remote job?”

He took the opportunity and started building his business, and he is now known as “The Remote Coach.” He describes his role as very similar to someone who is a career coach. The big difference is that Jordan helps people land remote jobs. Jordan’s approach is more than just finding any remote position. As a remote job coach, his goal is to find a job that matches your desires and what you seek in creating a new lifestyle.


What is the difference between mentorship and a remote job coach?

Before becoming a coach, Jordan had been a mentor to a lot of his colleagues. So in his experience and the way he uses it in his vocabulary, mentorship is typically free.

Jordan describes mentorship as a free exchange based on his personal experience. He also shares that he sees mentorship as voluntarily helping someone with a lower commitment. On the other hand, coaching requires an investment and naturally evolves into a more significant commitment because there is a financial piece.

Jordan states that you don’t need to be an expert to become a remote job coach, but you simply need to be a few steps ahead of the person you are helping. There are many coaches around these days and to make sure you find the right coach, you’ll need to do some thorough research. For instance, look up reviews and testimonials of past clients.


Featured Image of the remote job coach jordan carroll for digtial nomads daily about how to find remote work (1)

How Jordan helps people to find remote jobs?

Jordan’s business as The Remote Job coach has evolved over the years. Today you can find a lot of free content about finding remote jobs on his website You can also sign up for his courses or one of his group coaching programs. Rarely does he works with people one-on-one, although he prefers group coaching because people can learn from each other.

What we love about Jordan is that a lot of his content is free and there are many levels of working with him. His team also regularly posts remote job openings on his job board. Before the jobs are published, he and his team verify the job is entirely remote. Jordan thinks of himself as a facilitator and that results only come from the actions of his candidates. Simply because he cannot guarantee the results, but you will get the lifestyle you want if you are motivated and have a good mindset.


3 tips for finding a remote job from the remote job coach

Ask yourself what you are looking for in a company or job.
Finding the right job is so much more than just making good cash. You will have to ask yourself what is essential and how this job can fit into your digital nomad lifestyle. Working remotely is great but only if you can experience the freedom and lifestyle you desire.

Evaluate your own skillset

An important step is to look at your skills and find jobs matching those skills. If you have little work experience, you may want to consider doing an internship. Before starting an internship, you need to know what you want to learn to make sure this work experience is helping you move forward.

Be proactive rather than reactive when finding your dream job

Job seekers who don’t look beyond job boards tend to be reactive job seekers, meaning they respond to what is available at that moment. Or you will apply for jobs and wait for someone to reach out. Instead, Jordan encourages you to search with a proactive mindset. This makes the overall process more effective as you will target companies offering remote positions matching your needs.

Qualify and target companies that offer remote work

Jordan talks about actively targeting companies and the first step is to find qualified companies. For example, if you want to work in a specific industry, you could do a google search “industry name + remote companies.” The next step is to see if they talk about remote work and if the answer is yes, you want to save them. The easiest way is to bookmark them or create an online doc and perhaps add more company details. Check out if they have a job board, follow their social media, and stay up to date if a position opens up. By following and interacting with the company’s content, you target them.

At the end of the day, it all comes down to knowing what you can bring to the table and targeting remote companies that are looking for those skills. Listen to the episode for more tips about how to land a remote job.

Book Remote For Life - How to Find a Flexible Job & Fast Forward to Freedom, by Jordan Carroll (1)

Jordan’s book: Remote For Life – How To Find A Flexible Job And Fast Forward To Freedom

Jordan has been writing his book and he is publishing it by the end of the year. Jordan’s book arms you with all the lessons he has learned over the years. It includes lessons from his own work experience, working with clients and his online entrepreneur journey as The Remote Job Coach.

You will learn how to create the vision of your ideal remote life by visualizing and externalizing the remote life you want to build for yourself. And even if you’re already working remotely, this book can help you work towards the full potential of your ideal life. He also shares strategies and tactics to make you the ideal remote worker and an invaluable asset. The book also walks you through where and how you can find remote jobs based on your past experiences and current skills.

We are super excited to read his book. Finding a job itself can sometimes feel like a job. With the tips and experience from Jordan, the remote job coach, your chances will definitely be higher.

Quick links:

Follow his journey and remote job updates on Instagram @theremotecoach

More information and free content at

Join the Remote for Life Waiting List 

Support his Kickstarter campaign click here

More Digital Nomad Stories Instagram @digitalnomadsdaily

Meet your host Nienke Nina Instagram @nienkeninatravels

11: Overcoming the first obstacles in the digital nomad lifestyle with MS by Lina

11: Overcoming the first obstacles in the digital nomad lifestyle with MS by Lina

Cover photo of the Digital Nomads Daily Podcast Overcoming the first obstacles in the digital nomad lifestyle with MS with Lina

11: Overcoming the first obstacles in the digital nomad lifestyle with MS with Lina

Balancing work, life, and relationships can already be tough. But for Lina Miclea, she is a digital nomad who has to worry about the health practicalities of her multiple sclerosis. Even though she started her planning her nomad lifestyle in 2020, Lina only began nomadding in January 2022. In this episode, Lina discusses her journey, how she manages her life, the unanticipated struggles she faces, and advice she has for new digital nomads like herself.

Meet Digital Nomad Lina and learn how her remote lifestyle journey started

Lina’s nomadding journey began because of COVID-19 pandemic. As she mentioned, if you stay in one place constantly, it can drive you crazy. Hence, she took the time to explore the world and take her work elsewhere. Unfortunately, during her planning process, she was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (MS). She thought it wasn’t fate to travel and work remotely anymore. Lina had to stay put in Toronto to maintain her infusions, MRIs, doctor appointments, and health insurance. One day, the opposite happened – Lina figured out a way to embark on her digital nomad adventures. In this article we cover:
  • How does Lina sustain herself?
  • Balancing work, life, relationships, and health practicalities.
  • Unexpected struggles of the digital nomad lifestyle Tips for digital nomads

Combing passive income with following your passion

We all have one common question: how does she financially support herself? Lina shares that a chunk of her money comes from the investment property she purchased 7 years ago. She committed to paying the mortgage completely and having tenants move in and her husband is also actively working in the tech space of marketing. This gives her financial freedom and she is now following her passion for creating content and building an online community. Essentially, she relies on something concrete like her property to sustain herself, while doing something that she enjoys as an additional hustle.
Featured image of the Digital Nomads Daily Podcast Overcoming the first obstacles in the digital nomad lifestyle with MS with Lina

Balancing work, life, relationships, and health practicalities

A typical day in Lina’s week consists of a combination of things. She can either work the entire day on building content and writing posts, managing her investment property, or both. But one thing is for sure – she loves to plan her schedule weeks in advance. She’s been married to her husband for 2 years. Since her husband is pretty busy himself she has lots of free time. Lina heavily prioritizes and values their time together but she loves her me-time as well. By going to the beach and workout daily she ensures to set aside a few hours a day for work and brainstorming content. Her investment property is one way of achieving passive income and Lina shares to always come up with inventive ideas for investing to have her passive income excel. She and her husband strive for a life where they can be freer and do the things they wish for like many other digital nomads. Learn more about achieving passive income with digital nomad Dean on our podcast. In order to keep her health insurance, she has to be a part of the social system in her home country. Becoming a digital nomad full-time though is not an option but she is always researching dig into the types of local and global assistance programs that exist.  

Unexpected struggles of the digital nomad lifestyle

Lina likes to always plan, but she realizes that the digital nomad lifestyle can be very spontaneous; a plan is not always possible. One time, her husband and she planned to go on a shuttle through town in San Jose. However, they were late and missed it completely. When they went themselves and arrived in town, the circumstances became worse. It was pouring rain, and it was very dark as there were no street lights. They also did not stay in the most ideal accommodation as the area was rough and the internet was poor. As first-time nomadders, they were lost and did not know what to do. Lina talks these struggles as the hiccups of her digital nomad lifestyle and reflected how more research is essential. Nevertheless, they stuck through it all and did not move out until recently. She described the experience as character building as it taught her a lot about the nomad. More tips on how to plan your digital nomad lifestyle are shared in Anastasia and Tomer’s episode. They also planned their nomad life in advance and enjoy passive income while building their online business. Initially, they jumped right away into staying at a new place for a month because they wanted to feel at home – not like they were traveling somewhere. Going forward, Lina is eager to test the waters first by staying at a place for just a few days.  

Lina’s tips for new digital nomads

  • Pack light: When you’re always on the move, overpacking will drag you down. You can also get rid of things on the way. If you’re going to a city, you can get your essentials there (toothbrush, toothpaste, etc).
  • Research your nomad destination well: Take the time to read other bloggers’ experiences and reviews. Some accounts are not always credible. They are your trusted sources.
  • Sell worn-out and unnecessary stuff: This is a good strategy to make extra pocket changes for your trips.
  • Look into coworking spaces: If you are not confident about the Internet at your new home, search for backups. The Internet is very important, especially for digital nomads – it will be your new best friend!
Quick links: Find her on Instagram @linamiclea Visit her website to discover her personal stories, struggles, and recommendations.  More Digital Nomad Stories Instagram @digitalnomadsdaily Meet your host Nienke Nina Instagram @nienkeninatravels