Episode 123: Taghazout Workation Reflections & Embracing my Balanced Nomadic Life with Nienke Nina

Episode 123: Taghazout Workation Reflections & Embracing my Balanced Nomadic Life with Nienke Nina

🎙 The Digital Nomads Daily Podcast 🎙 

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Listen to our episode with Nienke Nina:

🔥 Redesigning your nomadic lifestyle
🔥 Slowing down after 5 years of digital nomad life
🔥 Creating space and time to discover the real YOU & purpose
🔥 Benefits of a dedicated workation for remote entrepreneur🔥🔥🔥 And so much more must-know digital nomad lifestyle tips for (aspiring) digital nomads!

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“Time is a resource, and it’s not forever. I wanted more time for myself and specifically to work on my personal connection with my business…”

Key Takeaways from This Episode About Taking Time for Yourself to Reset

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Taking a Step Back from Fast-Paced Nomading

These past few months, I’ve found myself reevaluating my lifestyle as a digital nomad, with a keen focus on redesigning it in a way that offers more freedom and fulfillment. I’ve understood that being a nomad doesn’t mean I have to be constantly on the move. It’s important for me to find my own rhythm and balance.

When you’ve been a digital nomad for a long time, always changing environments it’s normal to start feeling a certain level of fatigue and a longing for stability. If you’re reading this and you think to yourself “Wait, I’m going through the same thing!” Then you may find the idea of ‘part-time nomading’ appealing the same way that I did.

It’s very important to maintain a balance between our work and personal life. In our quest for continuous travel and work, you could be dedicating less and less time for yourself. And that’s not good because you’re only setting yourself out for an impending burnout. It’s not about constantly moving, but about finding fulfillment and balance in your lifestyle. Personal time, continual learning, and maintaining a healthy work-life balance are the most important part of your nomad journey. As a digital nomad, your lifestyle is constantly evolving. Be open to changes, you might be surprised to see where they just might take you.

Building a Personal Connection with Your Business

As an entrepreneur, your personal journey of aligning your passion with your business is a transformative process. So don’t let the grind culture pressure you into rushing things. Take time to reflect on your personal interests, values, and goals. What drives you? What are you passionate about? What are your aspirations in life? Having a clear understanding of these aspects of yourself is key to forming a personal connection with your business.

In my experience, establishing a personal connection with your business leads to more fulfillment. It makes the work you do feel less like a chore and more like a personal mission, which can be incredibly motivating. 

Remember that this is not a one-time process. As you grow and evolve, so too should your business. Regularly reflect on your interests and goals, and adjust your business accordingly. This will ensure that your business remains a true reflection of you. 

Prioritizing Self-growth and Learning

Self-esteem and self-love play a vital role in personal growth. It’s essential to celebrate your achievements, no matter how big or small they may be. Establish a routine where you take time each day to reflect on the things you’re proud of. This simple practice can significantly improve your self-esteem and cultivate self-love. Trust me; it’s a game-changer! 

Continuous learning is the key to personal and professional development. It’s not just about mastering a new skill or expanding your professional knowledge; it’s about nurturing your curiosity, pushing your boundaries, and becoming a more well-rounded person.

But always remember the importance of balance. In our quest for growth and learning, we often push ourselves to the brink of exhaustion. It’s essential to remember that taking a step back, slowing down, and relaxing are also part of the growth process. Your mind needs rest to absorb new information and experiences. Embrace these elements, and you’ll find yourself thriving on your personal growth journey.

Making Genuine Connections Beyond Business Needs

Not every interaction has to be tied to business needs. While it’s essential to make professional connections, it’s equally important to establish personal, heart-to-heart relationships. These are the connections that bring joy, shared experiences, and a sense of belonging, especially when you’re far from your home base.

Try to engage with others on a deeper level. Share your personal stories, listen to theirs, and find common ground beyond work. It could be shared hobbies, interests, or experiences. Every person you meet has their own unique story and perspective that can enrich your own understanding and worldview. These meaningful connections can also contribute to your personal growth. They can provide new insights, challenge your beliefs, and help you reflect and become an overall better version of yourself. They can turn into lifelong friendships that remain constant even as your nomadic lifestyle takes you to different corners of the world.

Take the time to nurture these relationships. Keep in touch, show genuine interest, and be there for each other. Genuine connections are not about the quantity but the quality of relationships you form.

Cultivating Self-love and Maintaining Self-esteem

Always prioritize self-care and personal growth in your daily routine. A valuable exercise I’ve found is setting aside time each day to reflect on the things you’re proud of. It can be big achievements or even small victories. Each day, I try to find a quiet moment, free from distractions, and reflect on my achievements. How did it make me feel and why does it matter to me? This could be as simple as finishing a task you’ve been procrastinating on or as significant as reaching a major career milestone.

The goal is not to boast or feed your ego, but rather to acknowledge and appreciate your efforts. This simple, daily practice can reinforce positive self-perception and cultivate a sense of self-love. Sometimes, all it takes is a few minutes each day to reflect on the things you’re proud of. So, try integrating this practice into your routine, and see the positive impact it can have on your lifestyle.

Nienke Nina host of the digital nomads daily podcast making your side hustle successful

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122: A Creative Digital Nomad Lifestyle & Building Self-Trust with Han

122: A Creative Digital Nomad Lifestyle & Building Self-Trust with Han

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122: A Creative Digital Nomad Lifestyle & Building Self-Trust with Han

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Listen to our interview with digital nomad Han:

🔥 Virtual and real life communities

🔥 Intentional year planning

🔥 The value of creativity in your nomadic life

🔥 Energy-based life planning

🔥🔥🔥 And so much more must-know digital nomad lifestyle tips for (aspiring) digital nomads!

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“I think the whole purpose goes back to – it’s your life. You can take ownership of it. You can design it, you can build it, you can manage it, but you gotta do it.”

Meet creative digital nomad Han

Han is an inspiring figure in the digital nomad community with her unique story and insights about the lifestyle. She embarked on her digital nomad journey about ten years ago, with the last two years being full-time travel.

She has been working remotely as she explores different parts of the world. Han is currently situated in Istanbul, Turkey. She has found the city to be a creative hub, attracting content creators and bloggers from all around. In addition to her travels, Han also manages multiple income streams. She is the creator of the Remote Life Podcast and works as a freelance marketer and influencer marketer. 

Han’s story is a perfect example of how the digital nomad lifestyle can offer exciting opportunities for personal and professional growth. Her journey continues to inspire those who aspire to break free from traditional work arrangements and explore the world.

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Key Takeaways from Han’s Interview about Designing the Right Nomadic Lifestyle for You

The Importance of Designing Your Nomadic Life

We each all have our unique needs, preferences, and energy cycles. There isn’t one formula to living the “right” or “perfect” nomad life. It’s important to build a lifestyle that resonates with these personal factors.

The nomadic lifestyle is not about blindly following popular trends or doing what everyone else is doing. Instead, it’s about introspection, understanding oneself, and consciously designing a lifestyle that aligns with one’s personal needs and preferences. This could mean choosing specific destinations, setting a particular pace of travel, opting for specific work arrangements, or gravitating towards certain communities.

The Value of Community in a Nomadic Lifestyle 

Surround yourself with like-minded individuals. Find those who give you inspiration, support, and those with whom you can have an exchange of ideas. If you find yourself struggling to find the right community, ask yourself if you’re actively making ways to change this. Are you participating in community events?

If you can’t show up in these in person events, you can start by finding online ones! There’s a million of them out there and you’re sure to find an event that peaks your interest. Some good places to find your communities online is in Facebook Groups, LinkedIn, and even on Reddit!

Understanding Your Energy Levels

Recognizing and understanding your energy levels will change your planning and productivity game by a million! Being aware of your own rhythms, be it daily, weekly, or seasonally, allows you to align your tasks and activities in a way that optimizes your energy output.

This not only ensures you’re fully present and engaged in your work but also helps maintain a balance between work and downtime. The digital nomad life can be overwhelming especially when you can’t find that balance between all that work and traveling, sometimes we forget to give ourselves time to recharge. But if you listen to your body, and start planning around your energy levels, you can avoid burnout, enhance productivity, and ensure a healthier approach to work and leisure. Remember that while not all nomadic lifestyles are the same, it is pretty universal that being adaptable and flexible are key.

Transitioning to Nomadism Doesn’t Require Quitting Your Job

One common misconception about digital nomadism is that the people who did it all chose to leave their current job behind, and start from scratch with a new online business or venture. But this isn’t always necessarily true. As remote work is becoming increasingly popular, many employers are now open to discussions about remote work arrangements. This allows aspiring digital nomads to maintain their current careers while exploring the world and experiencing a new way of living.

So whether you’re contemplating the nomadic lifestyle, or already on your journey but feeling stuck, remember that it’s okay to take it slow. Experiment with different work arrangements, try out new destinations, and most importantly, always follow what feels right for you. After all, the beauty of being a digital nomad is in the freedom to design a life that truly resonates with you.


The Power of In-Person Connections 

We always emphasize here that it’s important to build strong and deeper connections through personal interactions for digital nomads. As easy as it is to find a community online, face-to-face connections offer a unique dynamic that fosters the exchange of ideas, encourages creativity, and provides a deeper understanding of the various nomadic experiences.

These in-person exchanges often trigger insightful conversations and generate innovative concepts that can’t be fully captured in virtual communications.


Nienke Nina host of the digital nomads daily podcast making your side hustle successful

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Connect with our Nienke Nina and our guests

Your host Nienke Nina

More digital nomad tips and life advice via instagram @digitalnomadsdaily

Connect with Nienke Nina on LinkedIn @Nienke Nina Keizer

Find Nienke Nina on Instagram @nienkeninatravels

Nienke Nina Host of The Digital Nomads Daily Podcast
Show notes photo of Digital Nomads Daily Podcast episode 41 The 5 Key Ingredients To Work Remotely Effectively with Anna Maria (1)

Do you want to reach a digital nomad audience?

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Design and Build Your Digital Nomad Life In 2024 Intentionally with Nienke Nina

Design and Build Your Digital Nomad Life In 2024 Intentionally with Nienke Nina

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121: Design and Build Your Digital Nomad Life In 2024 Intentionally with Nienke Nina

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Listen to our episode with Nienke Nina

🔥 Finding your purpose and nurturing your well-being

🔥 Designing a mindful lifestyle

🔥 Setting your boundaries

🔥 What’s in store for 2024?

🔥🔥🔥 And so much more must-know digital nomad lifestyle tips for (aspiring) digital nomads!

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“Your nomad lifestyle is never always gonna be the same. How it looks right now could be different six months from now.”

Key Takeaways from Nienke Nina’s Episode About Being Intentional About Your Future

Lessons Learned and New Beginnings

In this episode, Nienke Nina shares her personal reflections on the past year and the valuable lessons she learned as a digital nomad. She emphasizes the importance of being mindful and purposeful in designing one’s nomad lifestyle. Nienke Nina discusses the significance of saying no, setting boundaries, and embracing change to create a fulfilling and balanced life.

Designing a Mindful Digital Nomad Lifestyle for 2024

Nienke Nina highlights the essence of being intentional in shaping a digital nomad lifestyle for the new year. She encourages listeners to create space and time in their calendars for self-care, physical activities, and meaningful connections. Nienke Nina emphasizes the significance of purposefully planning travels and identifying the desired outcomes and experiences in each location to maximize the nomad journey.

Saying No, Setting Boundaries, and Embracing Change in the New Year

Nienke Nina shares her personal experience of learning to say no and establish boundaries in both personal and professional aspects of her life. She emphasizes the importance of prioritizing well-being and aligning decisions with personal goals and aspirations. Nienke Nina encourages listeners to embrace change and approach it with openness and curiosity, recognizing that the nomad lifestyle is ever-evolving.

Finding Purpose and Nurturing Well-being as a Digital Nomad in 2024

In this episode, Nienke Nina explores the notion of finding purpose and nurturing well-being while living a digital nomad lifestyle. She emphasizes the significance of creating a balance between work and personal life, fostering self-care practices, and being mindful of one’s energy levels. Nienke Nina highlights the importance of aligning actions and choices with personal values and goals to cultivate a sense of purpose and fulfilment.

Entrepreneurship and Mindful Marketing

Nienke Nina discusses the intersection of entrepreneurship and mindful marketing in the digital nomad context. She shares her passion for marketing and emphasizes the need for tailoring marketing strategies to individual businesses and offerings. Nienke Nina encourages listeners to adopt a conscious approach to marketing and leverage their entrepreneurial spirit to create meaningful and impactful ventures while embracing the nomad lifestyle.


Nienke Nina host of the digital nomads daily podcast making your side hustle successful

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Nienke Nina Host of The Digital Nomads Daily Podcast
Show notes photo of Digital Nomads Daily Podcast episode 41 The 5 Key Ingredients To Work Remotely Effectively with Anna Maria (1)

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15 Tips to Boost Your Freelance Career from Real Digital Nomads

15 Tips to Boost Your Freelance Career from Real Digital Nomads

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15 Tips to Boost Your Freelance Career from Real Digital Nomads

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 Listen to our interviews with digital nomads and freelance experts:

🔥Practical tips from real digital nomads

🔥Strategies to overcome insecurities and challenges

🔥Insights on building a supportive network

🔥Guidance on cultivating multiple income streams

🔥🔥🔥 And so much more must-know digital nomad lifestyle tips for (aspiring) digital nomads!

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“The key is to take that first step and keep going.”

Listen to Real Digital Nomads Drop Freelancing and Online Entrepreneurship Secrets


Are you ready to take your freelance career to the next level? Well, we’ve got just the thing for you! Introducing In this article, we’re listing our favorite episodes and the golden nuggets you’ll learn from each guest!

We’ve gathered the wisdom and insights of experienced digital nomads who are freelancing pros and have cracked the code to online business success! These people have been there, done that, and now they’re ready to share their secrets to success with you. From embracing the beginner mindset to building connections and everything in between, these 15 tips will give you the tools and inspiration you need to thrive in the freelance world.

Remember, the freelance life is all about freedom and flexibility, and with these tips in your arsenal, you’ll be well on your way to living the life of a successful digital nomad. Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity to learn from the best in the business!

15 Important Tips Every Freelancer Should Know in 2023

Embrace the Beginner Mindset

Starting as a beginner is completely normal and no one will judge you for not knowing something. Remember that everyone has to start somewhere, and it’s important to embrace this fact rather than feeling insecure about your knowledge or skills. The sooner you come to terms with being a beginner, the sooner you can let go of any shame and focus on improving. 

Take Action and Face Challenges Head-On

To overcome challenges and face your fears, you must take action and confront them directly. Many obstacles may seem daunting at first, but once you start tackling them, you’ll realize that they are often not as difficult as they appear. The key is to take that first step and keep going. Remember that progress comes from taking action, so don’t be afraid to dive in and tackle your challenges head-on. 

Surround Yourself with Inspiring People

Being part of a supportive community and surrounding yourself with people who inspire and motivate you is crucial to your success as a freelancer. When you have a network of like-minded individuals, you can gain valuable insights, support, and encouragement. Being a one-person team can only take you so far. Find people you trust and can grow with, and through them, you can enhance your freelance career. 

Delegate and Outsource Tasks

As a freelancer, it’s important to focus on your strengths and delegate tasks that you don’t need to become an expert in. By outsourcing certain responsibilities, you can avoid spreading yourself too thin and maintain a healthy work-life balance. Remember, time is money, and by delegating tasks, you can free up more time to focus on growing your business. 

Stay Curious and Follow Your Competencies

Instead of solely following your passion, stay curious and explore different areas that align with your competencies. Passions can be learned and can change over time. By staying open to new interests and continuously learning, you can build new passions and create something you love. This approach allows for growth and improvement in your freelance career. 

Understand Your Target Market’s Financial Capacity

When freelancing, it’s essential to consider whether your target audience has the financial means to afford your products or services. Focusing on customers who can afford what you offer will help you build a solid foundation before expanding to a broader market. By understanding your target market’s financial capacity, you can tailor your offerings and pricing accordingly. 

Cultivate New Passions Through Effort and Curiosity

Careers can be created by cultivating new passions through continuous learning, effort, and curiosity. Rather than solely relying on pre-existing passions, keep yourself open to new interests and explore areas that spark your curiosity. This mindset allows for personal and professional growth as a freelancer. 

Start with Self-Reflection

To embark on a freelance career, start with self-reflection exercises. Figure out what else you want to do besides your current job and identify your passions and interests. Taking the time to reflect on your desires and how they can be incorporated into your daily life is a crucial first step towards building a successful freelance career.

Experiment with a Side Hustle

Starting a side hustle alongside your main job can provide an opportunity to make money doing something you love. By experimenting and finding a side hustle that aligns with your passions, you can gradually transition into a full-time freelance career. Remember to start small and focus on learning new skills along the way. 

Focus on Growth and Scaling

Once you’ve found a side hustle that works for you, focus on growing it and scaling your freelance business. Dedicate time and effort to expand your client base and increase your income. This phase requires consistency, perseverance, and continuous improvement. 

Find a Supportive Community

Building a freelance career can be challenging, but being part of a supportive community can provide the encouragement and guidance needed to succeed. Connect with like-minded individuals in your industry or niche, whether through online platforms or in-person events. Surrounding yourself with supportive peers can help you navigate the ups and downs of freelancing. 

Embrace Imperfection and Learn from Mistakes

In your freelance journey, it’s important to accept that mistakes will happen along the way. Embrace imperfection and view mistakes as opportunities for growth and learning. By acknowledging your past mistakes and making a conscious effort not to repeat them, you can continually improve and refine your freelance career. 

Choose a Specific Niche

When starting your freelance career, consider choosing a specific niche rather than targeting a broad audience. Focusing on a niche allows you to position yourself as an expert and find clients more quickly. For example, instead of targeting all creative small business owners, you could narrow down your niche to authors in a specific country or state. 

Consistency is Key

Consistency is crucial in building a successful freelance career. Whether it’s consistently publishing content, delivering high-quality services, or maintaining regular communication with clients, strive to show up consistently in your freelance business. This builds trust, strengthens your reputation, and leads to long-term success. 

Focus on Building Connections

When writing copy for your freelance business, prioritize building connections with your audience. Capture your brand voice and use words that resonate with your target market. By creating a connection through your copy, you can differentiate yourself from competitors and establish a strong brand presence. 


Nienke Nina host of the digital nomads daily podcast making your side hustle successful

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Do you want to reach a digital nomad audience?

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120: Reflections from Minoma Festival 2023 for Mindful Nomads with Nienke Nina

120: Reflections from Minoma Festival 2023 for Mindful Nomads with Nienke Nina

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120: Reflections from Minoma Festival 2023 for Mindful Nomads with Nienke Nina

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Listen to this solo episode with Nienke Nina: 

🔥  The power of creating space for growth

🔥  Aligning actions with personal values and goals

🔥  The significance of somatic experiences

🔥  The value of community and co-creation

🔥🔥🔥 And so much more must-know digital nomad lifestyle tips for (aspiring) digital nomads!

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“This lifestyle isn’t picture-perfect; we all have struggles and real stories. Let’s share the not-so-sexy aspects and support each other on this nomadic journey.”

Key Takeaways from this Episode About Embracing Space and Growth

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Key Takeaways from this Episode About Embracing Space and Growth

Embracing Personal and Professional Growth

In this episode, Nina shares her experience at the Minoma Festival, where personal and professional growth were the main focus. Unlike typical entrepreneurship retreats, the festival emphasized aligning one’s actions with personal values and becoming the best version of oneself. This holistic approach included sessions on topics like human design, somatic experiences, and money mindset. Nina highlights the importance of dedicating time to focus solely on personal growth and recommends attending retreats or festivals to gain new perspectives and break free from preconditioned behaviors.

Creating Space for Self-Care

Nina reflects on her habit of filling her schedule to the brim, constantly prioritizing work over self-care. She recognizes that this stems from a belief of not being enough and the need for validation. However, she learns the importance of creating space and taking breaks to relax the mind and body, gain inspiration, and nurture oneself. By consciously making time for activities like yoga, journaling, and engaging in small daily rituals, she aims to cultivate a healthier balance between work and personal well-being.

The Power of Community and Co-Creation

During the festival, Nina realizes the value of being part of a supportive community. The sessions and discussions offered a safe space for vulnerability, healing, and connection. She emphasizes that the digital nomad community transcends superficial factors like nationality or income and encourages others to seek out online communities, join retreats, or attend co-living pop-ups. By actively participating in these experiences, individuals can foster new relationships, gain inspiration, and share their transformative journeys with like-minded individuals.

Learning through Community and Co-Creation

Nina highlights the power of consuming content within a community and engaging in co-creation. While books, courses, and coaching are valuable sources of learning, she emphasizes the unique value of being in the physical presence of others. Through workshops and discussions at the festival, she discovers the collective wisdom and support that comes from sharing experiences and ideas. Nina encourages listeners to explore online and offline communities, attend events, and engage in meaningful conversations to enhance their personal growth journey.

The Journey Towards Self-Awareness

Nina opens up about her realization of living with the limiting belief of not being enough, which has driven her to overwork and neglect personal needs. Through conversations with festival attendees, she discovers that many others share similar struggles. This newfound awareness inspires her to prioritize self-care, make conscious choices, and create a healthier work-life balance. Nina plans to explore this topic further on the podcast, sharing her experiences and inviting guests to discuss strategies for creating space and nurturing oneself on the journey of personal and professional growth.


Nienke Nina host of the digital nomads daily podcast making your side hustle successful

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Do you want to reach a digital nomad audience?

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119: Navigating Online Entrepreneurship and Overcoming Its Challenges with Digital Nomad Steve

119: Navigating Online Entrepreneurship and Overcoming Its Challenges with Digital Nomad Steve

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119: Navigating Online Entrepreneurship and Overcoming Its Challenges with Digital Nomad Steve

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Listen to our interview with digital nomad Steve:

🔥 Developing new passions in your career

🔥 Targeting the right clients for your business

🔥 Investing in the right ventures

🔥 Building a team to support and grow your business

🔥🔥🔥 And so much more must-know digital nomad lifestyle tips for (aspiring) digital nomads!

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“It’s difficult to do big things. But the consequence of not doing something is huge, and the reward of doing something is also much, much larger.”

Meet digital nomad entrepreneur, Steve

In this episode, Nienke Nina and returning guest, digital nomad Steve, have a delightful conversation about career, passions, and growth in the past year. Together, they explore a wide range of interesting topics, including the challenges that beginners face, the immense importance of joining supportive communities, and the common misconception about following one’s passion. 

This lighthearted and insightful conversation dives into the thrill of navigating the journey of entrepreneurship, finding passion through curiosity, and making well-informed decisions when it comes to one’s career choices. Get ready to gain priceless advice and unique perspectives on entrepreneurship and personal growth.

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Key Takeaways from Steve’s Interview about Embracing Growth and Change

The Importance of Starting as a Beginner

Everyone starts as a beginner and no one will judge you for not knowing something. It’s crucial to remember this when feeling insecure about your knowledge or skills. The sooner you come to terms with this fact, the sooner you can get over that shame and start focusing on improving instead.

Overcoming Challenges and Taking Action

The only way to take on your challenges and face your fears is to take it head-on. Like what our guest, Steve believes, most obstacles may seem daunting but are actually shallow once you start tackling them. The key is to take that first step and keep going.

Surround Yourself with Inspiring People

As we always highlight in this podcast for the longest time, surrounding yourself with people who inspire and motivate you is CRUCIAL to your success. Being part of a supportive community can help you take action and grow, rather than feeling discouraged or judged. Being a one-man team can only take you so far, and it’s no fun at all (especially for digital nomads)! Find the people you trust, and grow with, and through them.

Building Your Business with Outsourcing

Build your business by outsourcing tasks that you don’t need to become an expert in. Think of it this way, time is money. If you’re spending so much time spreading yourself thin on even the smaller aspects of your business, instead of growing it you’re actually losing more money. By focusing on your own strengths and delegating other responsibilities, you get to avoid overworking yourself and maintain a healthy work-life balance. Hire people you actually enjoy working with and can trust your business with, and focus on growing your business!

The Myth of “Following Your Passion”

The advice “follow your passion” can sometimes lead to a wild goose chase and disappointment without considering realistic factors. Our guest, Steve, suggests that passions can be learned and can change over time. Instead, he encourages staying curious, following your competencies, and building new passions through exploration and effort. This way you get to create something you love and improve on it everyday.

Understanding Your Target Market’s Financial Capacity

We’ve all struggled with finding the right clients at one point, especially in the beginning. As entrepreneurs, it’s important that we always consider whether your target audience has the financial means to purchase your products or services. It’s essential to focus on customers who can afford what you offer and build a solid foundation before expanding to a broader market.

Creating Careers Through Effort and Curiosity

Careers can be created by cultivating new passions through effort, curiosity, and continuous learning. Rather than solely relying on pre-existing passions, keep yourself open and never stop pursuing new interests and the growth that comes with them.


Nienke Nina host of the digital nomads daily podcast making your side hustle successful

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Connect with our Nienke Nina and our guests

Your host Nienke Nina

More digital nomad tips and life advice via instagram @digitalnomadsdaily

Connect with Nienke Nina on LinkedIn @Nienke Nina Keizer

Find Nienke Nina on Instagram @nienkeninatravels

Nienke Nina Host of The Digital Nomads Daily Podcast
Show notes photo of Digital Nomads Daily Podcast episode 41 The 5 Key Ingredients To Work Remotely Effectively with Anna Maria (1)

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