82: Daily Digital Nomad Struggles And How To Overcome Them With Pat & Maddie
🎙 The Digital Nomads Daily Podcast Episode #82
Daily Digital Nomad Struggles And How To Overcome Them With Pat & Maddie
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Listen to our interview with digital nomads Pat & Maddie:
🔥 How they make money online and build a content business
🔥 What are the typical digital nomad struggles
🔥 How to stay calm when you face those struggles
🔥 Tips on how to maintain your day-to-day work and travel life
🔥🔥🔥 And so much more must-know digital nomad lifestyle tips for (aspiring) digital nomads!
“We are almost 7 years together, but it took travel to really get to know each other.”

Meet digital nomad couple Pat and Maddie
Traveling the world full-time for one year was their dream. About two years ago. Pat and Maddie followed their dreams by selling all their stuff, including the house, to explore the world. The pandemic hit just before they were ready to go, and they had to postpone their dream.
They decided to head to Mexico and realized they wanted to continue traveling. To make it work, Pat became a remote freelance writer. They already documented their travels on YouTube and Instagram so Maddie focused on growing their social channels. Their main income comes from freelance writing gigs, but they have already celebrated their first milestones as content creators and want to continue growing this business.
What they love about content creation is working with small businesses that don’t necessarily have the marketing tools or budget, but through their channels, they can help promote it. This results in fun and beautiful experiences like tours and hotel stays.

What are the typical digital nomad struggles?
The digital nomad lifestyle looks flawless and easy online, but on the Digital Nomads Daily Podcast, we show you what is happening behind the scenes to help you on your journey. Some of the typical digital nomad struggles Pat Maddie points out are
Contstant rebuilding your basic needs per location like workstation, groceries, and routines.
Finding locations and accommodations with good Wi-Fi
Creating and maintaining a schedule
How to conquer the typical digital nomad struggles?
The list of challenges is endless and Maddie shares that everything that you could think should not be an issue becomes an issue when you are in a new place every week. As a couple, you both experience this, so keeping up the good vibes in the relationship isn’t always easy. Here are some helpful tips on how to embrace the digital nomad struggles.
Wi-Fi struggles
✔️ Ask the accommodation or the Airbnb host for a screenshot of their Wi-Fi speed before booking.
✔️ Create a bank of tasks or things you could do without Wi-Fi.
✔️ Be diligent about creating a schedule for yourself.
✔️ Build your own routines and it’s okay if that doesn’t include your partner.
✔️ Take time for yourself and connect with your thoughts and feelings.
Mental health
✔️ Be fluid and kind to yourself.
✔️ Keep breathing and stay calm.
✔️ Remind yourself that 9 times out of 10 there is a solution to that problem.
✔️ Ask for help if you can’t figure it out.
✔️ Don’t try to fix everything because having a bad day is okay.
✔️ Connect with like-minded people online and offline.

Travel tip from Nienke Nina for digital nomad couples
As a traveling couple, you can quickly rely on the other and while that is comforting, Nienke Nina’s tip is always to have your own space. An example is creating and maintaining your own habits and routines. Another suggestion is to make it easy to zone out by using headphones and prioritizing making your connections. Just because you are together doesn’t mean you are living one life. You are your own person and this is your unique experience. You just get to share it with someone, but YOU are your priority 😘
Going your own way
This episode was recorded in February. Shortly after the interview, Pat and Maddie decided to continue this lifestyle on their own and separated. Together with Pat & Maddie we decided to publish this episode because it was an extremely valuable conversation.
If your relationship is hitting some roadblocks, please know that many digital nomad couples are out there, including Nienke Nina, to support you. Feel free to send us a message with any digital nomad questions. The easiest way to get in touch with us is on Instagram @digitalnomadsdaily.

Connect with our Nienke Nina and our guests
Your host Nienke Nina
More digital nomad tips and life advice via instagram @digitalnomadsdaily
Connect with Nienke Nina on LinkedIn @Nienke Nina Keizer
Find Nienke Nina on Instagram @nienkeninatravels

Meet digital nomad Maddie
Find her on Instagram @maddie.travel
Check out her Youtube channel @MaddieTravel

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