How Digital Nomads Can Become Successful Entrepreneurs With John

How Digital Nomads Can Become Successful Entrepreneurs With John

🎙 The Digital Nomads Daily Podcast Episode #28

How Digital Nomads Can Become Successful Entrepreneurs With John

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Listen to our interview with digital nomad Name:

🔥 How John went from digital nomad freelancer to running his own content agency
🔥 Key takeaways on how digital nomads can become successful entrepreneurs
🔥🔥🔥 And so much more must-know digital nomad lifestyle tips for (aspiring) digital nomads!
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“You need to set out a good work ethic towards your goals and you also need to be adaptable to whatever unfolds in front of you.”

Featured image of digital nomad entrepreneur John Quigley for the digital nomads daily podcast talking about How Digital Nomads Can Become Successful Entrepreneurs

You need to set out a good work ethic towards your goals and you also need to be adaptable to whatever unfolds in front of you

Get ready for an episode with digital nomad entrepreneur John. He started his journey with a career in crypto trading but quickly realized that getting a sustainable income would be tough. So instead he focused on copywriting and his career kicked off by accepting low-paying projects. Today he runs a successful global content agency specializing in crypto and fintech. In this episode, he shares successful methods for building his business from scratch. We love John’s fresh perspective on how digital nomads can become successful entrepreneurs and if you’re a digital nomad entrepreneur, freelancer or have a side hustle – make sure to listen to this episode.


From digital nomad freelancer to running a content agency

John has lived the digital nomad lifestyle since 2018 and started his journey in the digital nomad hub in Lisbon, Portugal. At the time, the cost of living was decent, enabling him to have a comfortable lifestyle while building his career. At first, John was using his savings and was very excited about cryptocurrencies. His focus was to become a full-time crypto trader. It was easier said than done and he shifted to copywriting to make a living. The first gigs weren’t high paying at all but it was a great stepping stone to building up his writing skills as a freelance copywriter. His hard work paid off as he runs a content writing agency specializing in complex topics such as crypto and fintech. His agency’s specialty is writing content in an appealing and digestible way.

Image of digital nomad entrepreneur John Quigley for the digital nomads daily podcast talking about How Digital Nomads Can Become Successful Entrepreneurs

Key takeaways on how digital nomads can become successful entrepreneurs

Building a successful business takes a lot of time in the first years. So everyone who dreams about this must be ready to invest a lot of hours and expect very little social life. Prioritizing work over travel is also something we talked about in episode #04 – How to Combine Entrepreneurship and Travel With Entrepreneur Kristina.

Living in a more affordable place can reduce a lot of financial stress and this is one ingredient on how digital nomads can become successful entrepreneurs. John chose to live in Lisbon because he realized that because of the low cost of living, he could focus on building his business and still enjoy the city. He shares that if he were to live in London, building a business wouldn’t be possible.

Business owners, freelancers, and entrepreneurs have to wear many hats every day. We talked about this with digital nomad entrepreneurs Chelsea, Anne, and Micaela on the podcast, and John shared in our latest podcast episode the same opinion in this episode. So how digital nomads can become successful entrepreneurs by discovering the different success methods businesses could use helped him grow his agency. A couple of methods he used to grow his online business are:

#01 Avoid spreading yourself too thin

Find your niche and focus on only doing a couple of things. He learned that when you spread your focus too thin by offering various services, your value proposition becomes vague. This results in not finding the right clients or any clients.

#02 Share your best work with your network

Use digital content like a newsletter to showcase some of your best work. Share this with your network and clients so people learn about your expertise.

#03 Do an excellent job and get referrals

Always work to deliver excellent work so you can get referrals. Organizations and people who like you and your work are more likely to share it with their network. Chels shares in episode #20 – The Live Of A Traveling Website Designer how she created a referral system where her clients also benefit from referring her business. That’s a great idea and especially if you are just starting out.

#04 Make your business needs a priority

Be critical and focus on what your business needs to become more successful. This includes tracking where your returns (clients) are coming from and doing more of what works. This approach sounds easy but keep in mind that it takes time and patience as you’ll try different things.


‘‘At the end of the day, especially if you are doing it yourself and its the start, your time and energy is going to be limited so you can’t expect too much of yourself’’


The path of how digital nomads can become successful entrepreneurs isn’t always easy but definitely fulfilling if you love what you do. If you liked this episode and enjoyed The Digital Nomads Daily Podcast, make sure to rate it! Thanks for tuning in and don’t forget to follow John and us at Digital Nomads Daily online.

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How To Improve Your Relationship With Money And Create An Online Business You Love With Laura

How To Improve Your Relationship With Money And Create An Online Business You Love With Laura

🎙 The Digital Nomads Daily Podcast Episode #27

How To Improve Your Relationship With Money And Create An Online Business You Love With Laura

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Listen to our interview with digital nomad Laura:

🔥 How Laura became a digital nomad
🔥 Tips for a successful mindset that are a gamechanger
🔥 Books that will improve your relationship with money
🔥 What does working with Laura as a coach look like
🔥🔥🔥 And so much more must-know digital nomad lifestyle tips for (aspiring) digital nomads!
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“When my relationship with money improved, everything else improved.”

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Digital Nomad Introverts Never Need To Be Lonely With Marcel

Digital Nomad Introverts Never Need To Be Lonely With Marcel

🎙 The Digital Nomads Daily Podcast Episode #26

Digital Nomad Introverts Never Need To Be Lonely With Marcel

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Listen to our interview with digital nomad Marcel:

🔥 Shifting careers – from running an IT company to keynote speaker
🔥 Learn the difference between being introverted and shy.
🔥 How to build a community as a digital nomad
🔥 Essential tips on how to make deeper connections when you travel
🔥🔥🔥 And so much more must-know digital nomad lifestyle tips for (aspiring) digital nomads!

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“If you’re an introvert, don’t try to become an extrovert.”

image of podcast guest Marcel at nomadbase who joined the digital nomads daily podcast Digital Nomads Daily about how Digital Nomad Introverts Never Need To Be Lonely (1)

Shifting careers – from IT company to keynote speaker

Marcel is the founder of, which is a job search website in the United States. Even though remote work is a hot topic right now, his website isn’t focused on remote jobs. After running his business for a while Marcel didn’t feel fulfilled anymore. He wasn’t sure about his next steps and he was actively trying to figure out what sparks him joy.

This was a new array for Marcel and he tried different things to see what made him tick and what things weren’t his gem. His approach worked really well and he learned that hosting a talk was one of the things that made him spark. This wasn’t an overnight process though, and he shares that giving himself the time to discover different things was essential.

One of the experiences he loved doing was hosting a talk. So he brainstormed how to turn this into a new career path and decided to become a keynote speaker. While his first talk was about bootstrapping a business, this isn’t the topic Marcel is interested in sharing as a keynote speaker.

Community building is an important element of the digital nomad lifestyle and we often talk about this on The Digital Nomads Daily Podcast. But how do digital nomad introverts network and make meaningful connections? This question is close to Marcel’s heart as he identifies himself as an introvert. To him, this basically means he needs more alone time and if he spends too much time hanging out with others he gets drained. So his way of recharging is simple being on his own, probably more often than extroverts.


Today marcel has friends all over the world but creating his community wasn’t always easy. With trial and error, he found his way of community building without crossing her personal boundaries. Here are 5 things that helped Marcel feel more confident networking as an introvert

👉🏽 Focus on building a network of like-minded people that can become your long-term friends.
👉🏽 Use social media to share your location and ask for recommendations.
👉🏽 Visit Facebook Groups and explore Meetups to find events.
👉🏽 Book experiences like [tourguide] for example, a food tour or a free walking tour.
👉🏽 Check out hostels in the evenings.
👉🏽 Ask around if there is a WhatsApp group to stay tuned for new gatherings.
👉🏽 Make interactions fun so it’s more likely others will invite you for more experiences like road trips, hiking or diving etc.
👉🏽 Organize activities yourself and invite others via Facebook Groups.

Photo of Marcel at nomadbase who joined the digital nomads daily podcast Digital Nomads Daily about how Digital Nomad Introverts Never Need To Be Lonely (1)

The difference between being introverted and shy.

Some people get energy from being surrounded by people and others recharge from a lot of alone time. The folks who love doing activities alone can be identified as introverts, like Marcel.
One of Marcel’s realizations this year was that being introverted or extroverted is genetic and that shyness is something you can overcome. He experienced this firsthand as he used to be very shy. By working on his social skills, he learned to overcome shyness, and this has been important for his personal growth.
An example is that he discovered he wasn’t great at making new connections by moving away from his home and going abroad. It’s very likely that he wouldn’t learn this about himself if he would just stay in his home country and continue to live his life. It is a great example of how the digital nomad lifestyle is so much more than sipping coconuts and tropical adventures.
So living the digital nomad lifestyle gave him many new insights. This, of course, only happened because Marcel opened up to new experiences. He also shares that slowing down your travels and staying a couple of months in one place can really help create deeper connections.

Digital Nomads Daily Podcast Cover Digital Nomad Introverts Never Need To Be Lonely With Marcel (1)

Digital nomad introverts should prioritize working on their social skills

Going deeper into the challenges introverts face in the digital nomad lifestyle, Marcel explains that many introverted people most likely don’t have the practice and exploration extroverts have. Introverts are naturally inclined to be alone they just haven’t been out there to try new experiences. Putting this in perspective – Athletes spend a significant amount of time doing the groundwork and the same goes for someone’s social skills. If it doesn’t come naturally, all it takes is practice and getting ready for a challenge. Everyone can learn how to become good at starting a conversation with people you don’t know yet. This doesn’t apply to meetups but also impacts how confident you show up at work and pitch your business to potential clients.
A final piece of advice Marcel gives to all digital nomad introverts is that whatever you’re doing right now, do not try to be an extrovert. Shyness is definitely something you can overcome, but it will take time and self-reflection. And never be afraid to miss out or keep pushing yourself into crowds because others are doing that.
There is no reason to become a FOMO-victim and while others are getting energy from meetups, you can do what works for you! Marcel shares that he loves going out for dinner on his own and reading a book and prioritizes me-time moments over hanging out with others. In fact, if he goes to all those activities, his energy is drained and he is less fun to hang out with, and that does not go for him and his environment.

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How To Optimize Your Brain To Increase Performance With Angela

How To Optimize Your Brain To Increase Performance With Angela

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25:How To Optimize Your Brain To Increase Performance with Angela

Digital nomads face many small uncertainties and must always make decisions. Think about where to go next, from finding your home to creating a new workspace. With so many changes this lifestyle can be challenging. Still, there are ways to decrease the feeling of being overwhelmed. Hence, you get to live the digital nomad lifestyle with more confidence. In this episode, digital nomad and brain performance coach, Angela, shares how digital nomads and entrepreneurs can improve their brains and feel their best selves every day. She shares simple brain hacks from routines to nutrition that are super beneficial for those who travel and work from anywhere.

“What happens in the mind affects the body”

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Achieve your goals faster with optimizing your brain

Angela started her digital nomad journey about 11 years ago and is currently nomadding from Playa Del Carmen in Mexico. Since she was a kid she loved reading self-development books and this is where her journey started. Angela became a certified personal trainer and also got certified as a health coach and nutritionist.

She is a Brain Performance Coach and helps people to achieve their goals faster by optimizing how the brain functions. She also helps her clients create routines, set goals, and informs them about nutrition hacks for the brain and body. The majority of Angela’s clients come to her because of the lack of energy and motivation her clients feel. She gives tools, practices, routines, exercises, and techniques and guides them to overcome this and feel energized again.

Her ultimate goal is to give them the tools to deliver their best whenever needed.

Episode takeaways

In this episode, Angela shares simple brain hacks every digital nomad can implement. A couple of quick takeaways from this episode:

  • Surround yourself with like-minded people who understand you and share similar values
  • Exercise, whether it’s at home or joining a gym but make sure you move your body as it increases your serotonin levels.
  • If you are looking for specific things like foods or places that matter to you, make sure to ask this in an existing community, like a local digital nomad Facebook Group.
  • Measure your progress but be conscious about how you compare yourself with others. Everyone has their own progress and journey and if you are moving forward, that’s all that matters.
  • Think about what you eat and drink in a day and consider making small changes. There are lots of nutrition hacks that can help make you feel more energized and confident.
Live Workshop About Optimizing Your Brain to increase performance for digital nomads and entrepreneurs with Angela Shurina

Join the Free workshop with Angela

We love this topic and there is a lot more to learn. So we invited Angela to host a workshop for the DND Club to share more daily hacks. Join the workshop on August 15 at 9:00 – 10:00 EST. Register for her workshop Have A Powerful Morning Every Day here

In this workshop, she will share how to create a morning routine to feel motivated and focused daily. Using neuroscience-based hacks and tools, you will learn how to supercharge your brain and feel like it’s your best day ever on-demand. This is helpful for those who wake up and do not feel like it.

Quick Links:

Follow her journey on Instagram @1000yearyoung

Follow her journey on Twitter @1000yearyoung

Visit her website via

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Traveling The World For 25 Years With 3 Kids And A Dog With Andrew

Traveling The World For 25 Years With 3 Kids And A Dog With Andrew

🎙 The Digital Nomads Daily Podcast Episode #24

Traveling The World For 25 Years With 3 Kids And A Dog With Andrew

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Listen to our interview with digital nomad Andrew:

🔥 How Andrew has been traveling with his family these last 25 years
🔥 Tips for digital nomad families with kids & pets
🔥 Why you need a global insurance
🔥🔥🔥 And so much more must-know digital nomad lifestyle tips for (aspiring) digital nomads!
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“I urge everyone to continue to be as much of a minimalist as possible and with the kids as well. Even though you continue in as much of a minimalist lifestyle, keep things from different places that will remind them of the different seasons of life.”

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Ever considered living the digital nomad lifestyle with your family? Traveling the world while working remotely can be challenging, especially when adding kids or pets to the mix. It requires more planning, a higher budget, and reaches a whole new level of responsibilities. This sounds overwhelming, and it probably is from time to time, but luckily there are experienced digital nomads who have walked this path.

Andrew Jardigen is the CEO of Insured Nomads and shares on the podcast a glance at his life as a traveling family man. Together with his wife, three kids, and his dog, they have lived on various continents. He shares helpful tips for (aspiring) nomad families, like:

🌟 Try different types of education and keep an open mind for your kids’ needs.
🌟 Have a financial buffer large enough to sustain everyone in your family.
🌟 Be part of communities and make this a priority for everyone in the family.
🌟 Consider traveling with a pet so there is some consistency for them.
🌟 Continue to be a minimalist but also keep some things as memories from the places they lived.
🌟 Think about therapy for yourself and your kids as they also need it to have an outside voice, to process experiences, especially the more traumatic things.

picture of digital nomads daily podcast guests andrew jerniga ceo insured nomads (1)
The second part of this conversation is about a topic that may not be so sexy but is extremely important for every single digital nomad – insurance. Nienke Nina and Andrew have an insightful conversation about the different types of insurance and what they typically cover. Insurance, in general, is an overlooked topic, and many digital nomads travel without proper insurance. Huge risks come with that and can put you in danger. Often we only think about travel insurance for health coverage but Andrew explains the importance of global insurance that also covers your important belongings. For example, when your laptop is damaged or, even worse, stolen, having insurance that covers that is extremely helpful.
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Nienke Nina Host of The Digital Nomads Daily Podcast
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Do you want to reach a digital nomad audience?

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The Power Of Open-Mindedness In The Digital Nomad Lifestyle With Elle

The Power Of Open-Mindedness In The Digital Nomad Lifestyle With Elle

🎙 The Digital Nomads Daily Podcast Episode #23

The Power Of Open-Mindedness In The Digital Nomad Lifestyle With Elle

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Listen to our interview with digital nomad Elle:

🔥 Setting expectations in the digital nomad lifestyle
🔥 The benefits of joining a travel group in the digital nomad lifestyle
🔥 The mindset that will set you up for success in this lifestyle
🔥🔥🔥 And so much more must-know digital nomad lifestyle tips for (aspiring) digital nomads!

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“The digital nomad lifestyle doesn’t have to look like what you see on Instagram.”

image of digital nomads daily podcast episode The Power Of Open-Mindedness In The Digital Nomad Lifestyle With Elle

What are your expectations of the digital nomad lifestyle

When you start the work and travel lifestyle, you can expect cool adventures while exploring the world. This lifestyle has so much more to offer though. Especially when it comes to discovering who you are and how you design a lifestyle that works for you. The episode with Elle shares many tips about mindset and the transformation from leaving your “normal” life behind to building a new way of living. One thing is for sure – it doesn’t have to look like what you see on Instagram.

Before Elle began her digital nomad journey, she went backpacking. She left her job as a director of finance operations for an international non-profit in Washington DC. During this trip, she wasn’t working online and mainly focusing on self-reflection and seeking clarity. Maintaining an income as a digital nomad is crucial and Elle did this as a consultant in finance. At the same time, she was connecting the idea of a new business with things closer to her heart. This helped her slowly transition and move away from her consulting career as she had financial stability while building her coaching business. In episode 21 with Anne, we also touched on this and more tips about entrepreneurship for digital nomads and online businesses.

Featured image of digital nomads daily podcast episode The Power Of Open-Mindedness In The Digital Nomad Lifestyle With Elle

In episode 19: 5 Benefits Of Joining A Digital Nomad Travel Group With Craig, we talk about the five benefits of joining a digital nomad travel group. He is not the only one who loved joining a travel group! Elle shares that her experience was not only amazing but also saved her a lot of hassle organizing her trip. The biggest benefit of joining a digital nomad travel community is that everything is arranged for you.

‘‘I literally showed up and there was a guy with a sign at the airport. I had an apartment, I had a roommate, I had a group of friends, I had a co-working space and I had a SIM card. They just made it so easy for that first month of being a nomad.’’

Saying goodbye to your old life and starting the digital nomad lifestyle can be super overwhelming. You need to take care of many things, and a travel group can ease a part of that process. Other benefits of joining a travel group are:<br>
🌟 You are surrounded by like-minded people and it’s easy to make friends<br>
🌟 There is a safety factor which is especially helpful if you don’t know the local language<br>
🌟 It’s perfect if you are new to this lifestyle or want to live it part-time

Cover image of the digital nomads daily podcast episode The Power Of Open-Mindedness In The Digital Nomad Lifestyle With Elle

Expectations and mindset

One thing Elle is passionate about and she had experienced firsthand is the mental transformation the digital nomad lifestyle has to offer. Through her travels, she open-up and learned a lot about herself and her thoughts about who she wants to be in this life. This meant letting go of culture, traditions, and things her parents had taught her. This requires ongoing reflection with the self and discovering the consistently challenging stuff she carried around and what she didn’t need/want anymore.

She realized that no matter the reasons you are frustrated or not happy – the external factors that come with traveling will not solve it. These things you still carry with you and that’s why to be successful in this lifestyle, any lifestyle, self-awareness and personal development are key to growth.

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Nienke Nina Host of The Digital Nomads Daily Podcast
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